Church in Minatare, Nebraska

I am trying to locate the church records for the church in Minatare Scotts Bluff, Nebraska – it was probably established as an Evangelical Lutheran Church or similar and closed in the 1950 or 1960s. The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Nebraska Panhandle Chapter worked to get the church records from the area microfilmed. However, the Minatare records were not a part of that project – possibly when the church closed, the records were sent to a church in the area or possibly went with some of the leaders of the congregation? There were many Germans from Russia in the area. My Great Grandfather – George Heinrich (Henry) Stricker died in September 1913 and was living on “the old Cox Place” according to the death notice in the Minatare newspaper. His death certificate from the church signed by the minister of St James Lutheran Church in Scottsbluff – Pastor Eggold – indicated that he was buried in the Minatare cemetery. We also cannot find a grave for him. Any information would be appreciated


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One Response to Church in Minatare, Nebraska

  1. Jerry Kaufman says:

    I am familiar with that church, it was on the main street of Minatare, east side of the street, SE corner, faced west, located south of the VFW Hall, at one time there was an old time service station across the street on the NE corner, gone now, and my dad was confirmed in the church April 24, 1924, and the Pastor was named Brenner. On the confirmation certificate it lists the name of the church, written in German, as Evangelisch Lutherischen St. Pauls Church, Minatare, NE. We are Volga Germans as well, arrriving in America from Frank Russia in 1903. The church was closed and one day I took a photo of the church and I have it in my archives. I do not know who has the church records. The people who attended that church are most likely all deceased by now. Their services were in German, and I have my dads book from then. I am not familiar with the cemetery in Minatare NE. I knew a lot of Strickers, Carl Stricker lived across the street from my parents, and I knew Don and Ron Stricker, and met a younger Stricker once.

    I attended a Lutheran church in Scottsbluff NE, and most likely the records were sent to one of the Lutheran churches in Scottsbluff, as that was the largest town near Minatare NE. What is unusual was I had a Reverend Brenner myself, when I was confirmed at Salem Congregational Church, and it was a Volga German church as well. I was confirmed in 1950 and he was there at that time. Rev Brenner was at my home in the country once, and he seemed to know my dad. So there you go, a valid reason to contact Salem Congregational Church in Scottsbluff. Now I do not live there, I live in Colorado, so I cannot give you their exact address, as they moved to a new church on East 20th street in Scottsbluff. When I was confirmed the older location was 9th Avenue at East Overland Street, but like I said they built a new church on East 20th Street.

    My dad once mentioned to me the name of the “old Cox farm” but I do not know where it was located.

    I am not aware of a Minatare newspaper and believe the obituary notice would have more likely been placed in the Scottsbluff Star Herald newspaper located at the intersection of Railroad Avenue and Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE.

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