Obituary and/or burial info on John Nicholas BAKER

I am trying to locate an obituary and/or burial information on John Nicholas Baker. He was born in 1848 and died March 29, 1930 and my information states that he was buried in a cemetery south of Gering.  Any information on this would be appreciated.

Marla Chrisman

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3 Responses to Obituary and/or burial info on John Nicholas BAKER

  1. John is buried in the West Lawn Cemetery in Gering. It appears he is in the same block and lot as his wife Sarah and sons Fred & Andrew. There is also a baby, J. Nicholas Baker, buried at West Lawn but in a different area.

  2. Marla Chrisman says:

    I don”t believe that is the one I’m looking for. I may have been given incorrect information. I think I need to do a little more research. Thank you for your help.

  3. Marla Chrisman says:

    I believe I may have found the person I am looking for in the West Lawn Cemetery listed as J. Nicholas Baker on the Find-a-Grave website. Birth: 1847; Death: 1928; Block 77, Lot #1, 1st Add. John Nicholas was living with his son, Aaron Gilbert “Bert” Baker there in the Gering area at the time of his death. I found a funeral notice in the York Daily News-times that stated his children went to Gering to attend his funeral. Would it be possible to find an obituary or funeral notice in a newspaper from the area?

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