Looking for descendants of Harry SATO

Hey looking to make contact with any Sato’s out there. My grandma was born in western Nebraska and lived for a time in Mitchell supposedly on the family farm. Her mother didn’t like Nebraska as it turns out and with her husband moved back to Hawaii where I also happen to be today. This would have been about 1935. Grandma always said there was family out in Nebraska, I just don’t know if there would be many people around who would even remember a story like this.

Isaac Ishihara

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One Response to Looking for descendants of Harry SATO

  1. Crystal Sato says:

    Just came across this post. I am a granddaughter of Harry and Noi Sato, Mitchell, Nebraska. Harry and Noi had eight children. Two Sato families still reside there. Are you related to Charles and Kiyo Sato and Haruko Sato? Charles and Robert Sato are interred at the Sato Family plot at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Morrill, NE.
    Crystal Sato

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